I started The Band in November 2019, but I only listened to their first two albums at that time and never bothered to go further. Then, quarantine allowed me more time to listen to music, so I finally listened to the rest of their albums in April 2020. In terms of going through them, The Band are pretty disappointing after their self-titled The Band but I recommend listening to their first three albums at least. In addition, the Band collaborated with Bob Dylan and you’ll want to also check out Bob Dylan’s Planet Waves, Before the Flood, and The Basement Tapes.
The Band (1969): A*
Stage Fright (1970): B
Cahoots (1971): B-
Rock of the Ages (1972): C
Moondog Matinee (1973): C
Northern Lights-Southern Cross (1975): B-
Islands (1977): C