I began listening to Todd Rundgren in October 2022 and quit after being unmoved by his two most famous albums.
Runt: Runt (1970): C
Runt. The Ballad of Todd Rundgren (1971): B-
Something/Anything? (1972): B-
Runt: Runt (1970):
Check your ego buddy, you're right to scoff at comparisons to Carole King but not because you’re the better songwriter. Is there anything worse than young artist with a huge head? What about one with a crappy voice? C
Runt. The Ballad of Todd Rundgren (1971):
Because of his disastrous debut and his distasteful ego, I'm still keeping Todd at arm's length but this ain't bad and the production is first-rate. No one would claim Rundgren is as vapid as James Taylor but he does sing too sweetly and unless you're already converted, so many pillowy ballads will hard to swallow, especially when some fairly strong rockers sit next to them. B-
Something/Anything? (1972):
For the second album in a row, I'm very impressed with the production. Of course, that's only when I remind myself to listen to it. I hardly know a song after five spins and didn't recall its most famous track "Hello It's Me" on my last listen through. B-