I began listening to James Taylor in November 2022.
James Taylor (1968): C
Sweet Baby James (1970): B-
Mud Slide Slim and the Blue Horizon (1971): C
James Taylor (1968):
I suspect that this is as slight as Taylor's gonna get. Unfortunately, Taylor's slightness is all there is counter his predictable favor for silky arrangements and sweet singing. C
Sweet Baby James (1970):
Because Taylor couldn't pull off a song faster than molasses, his one-dimensional songs become so unbearably boring in the album format. Even an attempt at lyrical grit falls short. As much as I want to believe he has been through some "Fire and Rain"--he had a long struggle with heroin--it's comically inconceivable the way he sings it. Well, which is it, James? Have you been through the rough or do you come from Alabama with a banjo on your knee? B-
Mud Slide Slim and the Blue Horizon (1971):
I wish the instrument choices reflected his embracement of the folk tradition but sadly he's still just a sappy boy with a heart of gold. An excellent choice for the sleepy! C